Every love connects a story

These two aspects are summarized by the word >> love STORY <<. We all know them, those romances in life that sound simple or complicated. These are stories about love constellations that found each other, endured with happiness, ended in a partnership or even the port of marriage (To the poem: “Der Hafen der Ehe;” by Harald Littschwager). Or the former affection disappeared and the invisible bond that once connected these two hearts together. As I dreamily walked along the Eiserner Steg in Frankfurt am Main on Sunday afternoon, I wondered what stories might be hidden behind all the little love castles here …

The most beautiful lovestories are the real

The Eiserner Steg in Frankfurt am Main connects two sides of Frankfurt (hibbdebach & dribbdebach) and obviously also many hearts

Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who met at a party. They met again and again after that. Each time they met, they would look deeper into each other’s eyes. Meanwhile, having arrived at the dessert wine, the evening drew to a close, it was time to say goodbye to each other once again.

Both sides sent positive signals. People liked each other. But did the feelings reach for more and if so how far into the future would they reach? How far in the future should you plan something… – that can’t be planned, love.

Love is …

Love is when it doesn’t matter how cold and wet the storm rages outside. Your sweetheart will get fresh rolls if you want them on Sunday morning. The sweetheart also lets you choose the Saturday evening film. Love is when your partner gives you endless patience, listens to you even at the smallest banalities, is a rock in the surf, supports you if you let it.

Love is when your partner is proud of you, finds even your flaws sweet, is happy with you or feels sorry for you and takes care of you when you feel weak. Your partner still loves you even if you call at three in the night because you can’t sleep. Love is … when your heart has found a home in your partner’s heart.

And what do you think?

It’s worth hoping for love. That’s what these love palaces remind me of.

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